Friday, September 17, 2010

Welcome to my newish blog.

I used to be on here ( years ago. So long ago that I forgot my initial sign-in and password, and I'm sure that my original blog is still floating around in here somewhere. I even contacted the admins a year or so ago to see if they could help me find it, but with no luck. So, everything old is new again. With Vox shutting down on Sept.30th, I received an email telling me to 'move it or lose it', referring to my blog I started there at the coaxing of Travis Allison (who no longer blogs there...thanks, buddy!).

I've decided that maybe I'll make an attempt at picking up the blog again and try to stay somewhat regular at posting (and linking said posts to facebook/twitter). More for me really, but also for anyone who may want to see something funny, read about what I'm on about these days, etc.



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