Tuesday, March 5, 2013

More crankiness, or, My ongoing list of things that should stop.

   Since starting this blog back up, I've realized that a lot of things bug me, and that putting them down here makes me feel a bit better by getting them off my chest, so I apologize in advance if you think I'm too critical of far too many things in life, but hey, if you think that, YOU just made the list!
    I'm calling today's installment "Audible Annoyances" and is an ongoing list that falls under the "Things I am tired of hearing" category.
   In light of today's openings of 3 Target stores in Fergus, Guelph and Milton, I've heard on the radio (CFRB AM1010) no less than 5 times today, someone calling it, "TAR-JAY" (with a soft "J" to make the word sound French). As my wife and I have friends who live in the U.S., we know that they've been calling it "Tarjay" for years, so it's hardly a new, or original idea. The very first time I heard the "joke", I got it, I may have even forced a smile as I had been to one of the stores and I get that saying it that way is a jokey attempt to 'class up the joint'. That being said...the joke is old. Very old. I've been hearing it for years now and it's no longer (or really was never) funny, clever, original, etc.  Now with the retail behemoth beginning it's Canadian onslaught today, I'm sure the joke will reach thousands of new ears for the first time, cause thousands of new half-smiles, but worst of all, cause thousands more to start saying, 'Tarjay', so they can be one of the fun bunch!  Yuck. The name of this American company about to wipe out even more small, independently owned and operated Canadian stores is Target, as in, "Fire one of your many, many guns at the target."  Oh wait, that last sentence just brought up two more HUGE blog topics for another day, so I digress, and will get beck to these topics at a later date.
All for now.

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