Thursday, June 13, 2013

Your favourite band sucks!

I'm always quite amused, and often annoyed when I hear people say, or read people's comments about how people's favourite musical acts suck. 
"You like Band X ??? Dude, they're have terrible taste in music!"
That's what always puzzles me.  In my estimation, someone's taste in music can't be judged as terrible, poor, good, great or by any other qualifying adjective. Their taste may be vastly different than yours, but that doesn't make your taste any better than theirs...just different. Since it's what they like,  for them, it IS great taste, so therefore, using my reasoning, everyone has great taste in music. To me it's like making fun of someone for the food they like...I don't like Brussels sprouts, but I know a lot of people do, and I certainly don't tell them they suck or are wrong for liking them. It's just their taste in food.  Don't get me wrong, there is music that I think, and have said many times is terrible, but that is me expressing my own taste, or distaste as it were, and I would never tell someone who likes that same music that they're wrong. I've even bought cd's (quite a few in fact) that years later thought to myself, "Why the $%&@ did I buy that crap?". No worries, I recently purged my cd collection by 60 or so by taking a quick trip to The Record Score in downtown Woodstock where they were glad to reimburse me (quite fairly for that crap, I might add) so they could add to their shelves and help fill out their quickly growing inventory. I'm sure someone with different musical taste than mine will be glad to give them a new home.
What got me thinking about this was a Facebook status a friend of mine recently posted about who sucked more, Nickleback or Great Big Sea. There were all kinds of comments that came in with all kinds of 'witty' remarks about how anyone could like either was beyond belief. Some were 'too cool for school' with their snide remarks, but the overwhelming sentiment was that it was all crap music. Being a fan of GBS for their more than 25 years in the business, I couldn't sit by and let it go without saying something. (Yes, that's right, I had something to say...) Here is what I wrote:
Not a fan of Nickleback by any stretch, but I actually really like GBS and would like to defend them a bit on this thread. I've seen them several times over the last 25 years (first time was a drunken blasteroo at The Lyric in KW with Dennis Frey) and they put on a really fun show, are super charismatic and are excellent musicians. I was raised on roots/bluegrass so their brand of traditional Celtic music has a lot of appeal to me. No, they are not changing the world with their political leanings and the new music they pump out rides on the surface, but it's not meant to be head scratching, chin wagging's for toe-tappin', dancing around and having a good time, and it often delivers. They know their strengths, and play to them and have had a great time over the past 1/4 century 'doin it all', and very successfully to boot. I have a huge variety of music that I like, and love getting all deep and thoughtful at times, but sometimes it's good to appreciate lighter music played very well by excellent musicians and stellar vocalists. GBS will always be on my ipod in one form or another. But Nickleback? No, not Nickleback.
You see, this is a reflection of my taste. I don't like Nickleback, but I don't think that they suck...they're just not for me, but I sure would like to have even 1% of the cash they've made over the past couple of decades. For a band that so many people say suck, they sure have been successful. Someone has to be going to their concerts and buying their music...oh wait, it's all those people whose taste in music is terrible...I forgot.
I love all kinds of music from all kinds of genres: Dailey and Vincent (traditional bluegrass), AC/DC, KISS, Spirit of the West, Great Big Sea, The Beatles, Frank Sinatra, Beastie Boys, LCD Soundsystem, Daft Punk, George Jones, Merle Haggard, The Beautiful South, Moxy Fruvous, The Tragically Hip, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Alison Krauss...and the list goes on, and in many, many different directions.
Music is art, and it shouldn't be judged, just enjoyed. 
Don't like it? Don't listen.
Taste is your own, and shouldn't be criticized.
That's just the way I see it...or hear it.
All for now,